Common Anti-Patterns in CLI Data Gem


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Common Anti-Patterns in CLI Gem Application

This video walks through the process of refactoring a CLI Gem fixing common anti-patterns in CLI Gem applications


  1. Define anti-patterns

  2. Pinpoint flaws in Gem

  3. Zipper Pattern

  4. Format user output

  5. Decouple scraping functionality

  6. Create Instances of our Model/Class


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[MP4](Find learn s3 source?)


  • what do we mean by anti-patterns

  • explain our gem functionality

  • explain our classes

  • find flaws in gem

  • bunch of different arrays of data instead of unified objects

  • explain zipper pattern

  • too many calls to website

  • We never instantiate instances of our class

  • a ton of scraping methods in our story object

  • hard coded maximum number for user input

  • using each instead of collect

  • examine app in pry

  • fix formatting for output

  • build functionality to scrape individual story

    • make it work using our zipper pattern

    • fix undefined method error

    • output scraped story

  • move scraping logic to a Scraper class

    • change class methods to instance methods

    • define responsibility of Scraper class

    • scrape individual li tags of stories

    • grab individual attributes of that story with css selectors.

    • use those individual story details info to create a new story instance

  • add functionalty to Story class to keep track of all its instances

  • test scraper functionality

    • last article causes an error

    • use rescue to pinpoint source of error

    • create logic to prevent the error stemming from different tags in final article

  • implement our new functionality throughout the app

    • use our new logic to obtain and output the stories in cli class

    • add functionality to scrape individual article

  • realize how efficient our app is now that we've utilized Object Orientation

  • a story object now has power and convenient methods

  • commit and examine github diff post refactor


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Last updated