
  1. Test your understanding of basic git repo commands


Basic Git Quiz

?: Which of the following is the correct way to initialize a new Git repository?

( )git add . (X)git init ( )git commit

?: You can type git status at any point while in a git controlled directory to check the status of your files.

(X)True ( )False

?: Which of the following commands will stage your entire directory and every non-empty directory inside your current directory?

( )git status all (X)git add . ( )git commit all

?: We've just created a new file called index.html. Which of the following will stage this one file so we can commit it?

(X)git add index.html ( )git add new ( )git commit index.html

?: git status returns:

On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   index.html

How would you commit this with the message "adding new authors to index"

(X)git commit -m "adding new authors to index" ( )git commit "adding new authors to index" ( )git commit .


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