First-Class Functions Practice Lab


  1. Practice using forEach

  2. Practice using sort

  3. Practice using reduce


Be sure to run the tests to get a feel for the types of problems this lab is asking you to solve.

You'll be writing six functions:

  • logDriverNames() — Receives an array of driver objects and logs the name attribute of each driver to the console.

  • logDriversByHometown() — Receives an array of driver objects as the first argument and a location as the second argument. The function logs to the console the name attribute of each driver whose hometown matches the string passed in as the 'location' argument.

  • driversByRevenue() — Receives an array of driver objects and returns a new array of driver objects sorted by their revenue attribute from lowest to highest.

  • driversByName() — Receives an array of driver objects and returns a new array of driver objects sorted by their name attribute from A to Z. Here, you may have to use the String.prototype.localeCompare() method.

  • totalRevenue() — Receives an array of driver objects and returns the sum of the revenue earned by each driver.

  • averageRevenue() — Receives an array of driver objects and returns the average revenue earned by each driver.



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