RESTful Index Action Lab
Draw a get route
Map a route to a controller action
Define a controller action
Load instances from ActiveRecord into a controller instance variable
Render a template
Use an instance variable from a controller action in a template
Iterate over an ActiveRecord collection in ERB
Build a classical index action/view
RESTful Routes
In this lab you will walk through how to build each element required to render a list of students out in the browser. The RSpec/Capybara tests for this lab can be found in spec/features
. Both tests should be passing to complete the lab.
bundle install
from your terminalCreate a controller for students and have it inherit from ApplicationController
Create a route for the path
that maps to a StudentsController "index" action.Add a controller action to the StudentsController named
Have the new
action pull in a list of all of the students withStudent.all
and store it in an instance variableCreate an
view file and render it from yourStudents#index
action. Theindex.html.erb
file should be placed within aviews/students
folder.In your view, iterate over the list of students returned from the index action in the controller and display the appropriate information.
If you run into an ActiveRecord::PendingMigration error when you run the tests, try
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
in the terminal then run the tests again
Rails Routing from the Outside In
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