CSS Libraries

When creating an application, we sometimes start our styling from scratch. Another way of styling our application, though, would be to use frameworks — CSS that has already been written for us. By doing so, we don't have to write any (or much, at least) CSS ourselves. This is both a blessing and a curse: we save a lot of time by following the conventions and styling of the framework, but we give up customizability.

Usually, CSS frameworks are used to either quickly mock up a front-end for an application prototype, or if the developer isn't particularly inclined to write their own CSS. Since CSS is kind of out of scope for this course, we'll stick to using frameworks for now. This will allow us to completely focus on our JavaScript, instead of fiddling too much with HTML and CSS. This lesson focuses on showing the high-level features of Basscss — feel free to use the links below to explore at your own pace.

Frameworks provide us with a whole slew of classes that we can use to style our application. Classes allow us to reuse styling across several components. There are usually also utility classes that provide us with handy styles, like aligning text, rounding corners, and so on.

Basscss is a very lightweight CSS framework that focuses on sane defaults and more complex layout possibilities. It's not an all-in-one framework like Bootstrap or Foundation, but it will help us to help lay out the application in a better way. It doesn't make our buttons look fancy or anything like that, but we're not concerned with that right now.,

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