JavaScript Data Types Quiz

JavaScript Data Types


JavaScript Data Types Quiz

?: Which of the following is/are strings?

[ ] 4 [ ] 4.0 [X] '4'

?: Which of the following is/are numbers?

[X] 4 [X] 4.0 [ ] '4' [X] -4

?: Which of the following is/are booleans?

[X] true [X] false [ ] "true"

?: What is the result of 80 + 71.2?

(X) 151.2 ( ) 151 ( ) 8071.2

?: What is the result of "80" + 71.2?

( ) 151.2 ( ) 151 (X) "8071.2"

?: What is the result of 2 + "2"?

( ) 4 ( ) "4" (X) "22"

?: Does 100 + 30 produce a number or a string?

(X) number ( ) string

?: Does "100" + 30 produce a number or a string?

( ) number (X) string


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