The Viewport Property

Problem Statement

Have you ever visited a website on your phone where it will zoom out and everything on the page is very tiny--then you have to zoom in to read the text and see the content? Have you found yourself writing a lot of media queries to make your content scale, stretch, or fit on various sized screens, just to have the device itself ignore them for your website? How can we have control over these default features that mobile browsers enforce?


  1. Explain the width property of viewport meta tag

  2. Explain the initial-scale property of viewport meta tag

Explain the width Property of Viewport Meta Tag

Some devices are automatically set to zoom in or zoom out in order to show content correctly. Mobile devices, in particular, may zoom out to fit an entire webpage into the screen. Our media queries, however, are all designed based on the assumption that the content is not scaled--that is, to be shrunk or enlarged to fit within the existing space. Unless the user specifically overrides by zooming in or out, we want to have control of the default size of elements, not the browser.

We achieve this by using the viewport meta tag inside of our html head section:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Explain the initial-scale Property of Viewport Meta Tag

You will want to specify that the width of our viewport should only be exactly as wide as the device. Set its initial scale to 1.0--indicating that the device's initial scale is set to a normal scale, and not to zoom in or out on this content.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

If we look at our previous example again, this tag's content attribute is being set so that:

  • The width of our viewport should be set to the width of the device

  • The initial scale for the page will be set to the normal, default scale

There are other options that can be added, such as minimum-scale=1.0 and maximum-scale=1.0, or, alternatively, user-scalable=false. Adding these along with setting width and initial scale will prevent users from zooming in or out. Doing this can give you a greater control over how a site looks, but it's generally best not to limit scaling, as this may affect screen readers that need to zoom in users who are the visually impaired.


When building a responsive layout, we have to be concerned with the viewport property, which is the viewable area inside of the device's screen. Some devices are set up to zoom in or zoom out, so that it will scale the content to fit the screen. With the use of the viewport meta tag, we can scale websites so the content plays well with your media queries, and prevents the user from zooming in or out on this content and breaking the layout.


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