CLI Data Gem Walkthrough: Creating a CLI Scraper Gem


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This video lesson walks through the process of building a CLI Gem with a focus on classes that collaborate.


  1. Describe and map out our classes

  2. Create our models

  3. Create our Scraper

  4. Make our classes collaborate

  5. Scrape our data

  6. Implement app functionality


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  • Explain objects collaborate

  • Describe our classes/objects domain

  • map out domain

  • decouple classes

  • Create our newsletter and article models

  • define our objects attributes

  • Set up gem environment

  • create rake console task

  • create dummy data in console

  • make objects collaborate!

  • Enforce type for newsletters articles array

  • raise error in Array class

  • enforce within newsletter class itself

  • freezing arrays

  • create custom error to raise for invalid type

  • statically typed languages

  • is_a? method

  • argument and variable names

  • Add scraper class

  • describe desired functionality - set expectations

  • map out our specs for the Scraper class

  • set up initialize method

  • add gem dependencies

  • test in console

  • add scraping methods to scrape data and build objects

  • Scrape through CSS selectors

  • oh no... tables!!!!

  • use xpath?!

  • use search method

  • use gsub for formatting

  • scrape_articles method

  • should scraper know about newsletter and articles, or newsletter know how to scrape internal data?

  • Find the css selectors to scrape the articles

  • Create iterator for articles

  • find selectors to grab individual attributes from table

  • create article instances with these attributes

  • Our objects are collaborating!

  • Create executable file

  • add functionality to run the application

  • Abstract application running logic to a controller class

  • add user interaction

  • Add functionality to open article url in browser based on user selection

  • Program in the place that's most immediate to you

  • make it work, then make it abstract and clean.

  • make sure it works post refactor!

  • Take it one object at a time

  • make 'em then make 'em interact then make more!

  • power of objects come from their collaboration

  • dominoes!

  • Inside out development vs outside in

    • restaurant analogy - outside in

  • Models views controllers

  • Push to github!

  • Github's hub gem


This video is meant as optional supplemental material to augment the written curriculum. If you feel you already understand the process of building a CLI Gem with a focus on classes that collaborate than you are welcome to skip the video and continue forward. Feel free to come back here if you ever want a review.

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Last updated