Git Basics Quiz

Enough Git for Learn


Take the quiz below to make sure you're familiar with the crucial git commands and workflows to interact with GitHub and Learn.


Quiz - Enough Git for Learn

?: What's the git command that downloads your repository from GitHub to your computer?

( )git push ( )git fork (X)git clone ( )git commit

?: How do you create a copy of a lab under your own GitHub account so that you can solve the lab?

(X) Forking it via the GitHub interface. ( )git fork ( )git clone ( )git pull-request

?: What's the opposite of git clone, instead of downloading your code from GitHub, uploads your changes and code back to GitHub?

(X) git push ( ) git add ( ) git upload ( ) git status

?: How do you check the state of your local git repository since your last commit?

( )git check (X)git status ( )git commit ( )git diff

?: How do you stage files for a commit?

( )git stage ( )git commit (X)git add ( )git reset

?: How do you save the current state of your code into the git version control?

(X)By committing the staged changes with git commit ( )By adding all changes and staging them with git stage ( )By adding all changes and staging them with git add ( )By creating a new commit with git init

?: What's a shortcut to staging all the changes you have?

( )git commit add . ( )git commit . (X)git add . ( )git push -am "Message"

?: How do you supply a commit message to a commit?

( )git message "I'm coding" ( )git add "I'm coding" ( )git commit "I'm coding" (X)git commit -m "I'm coding"

?: What is the correct commit syntax for all changes with a message?

( )git message -am "I'm coding" ( )git add -a "I'm coding" ( )git commit -a "I'm coding" (X)git commit -am "I'm coding"

?: How do you submit a solution to Learn? (select all that apply)

[ ] git submit [ ] git pull-request [X] By creating a Pull Request through the GitHub interface [X] learn submit [ ] git commit -am "Done with Lab"

?: What comes first, staging with git add . or committing with git commit?

(X)Staging your commits with git add ( )Committing with git commit


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