
Welcome To RailsIntro to RESTActive Record Models and RailsActiveRecord Model Rails LabRESTful Index Action LabRails Dynamic RequestRails Dynamic Request LabRails URL HelpersRails URL Helpers LabRails form_tagRails form_tag LabCreate ActionCreate Action LabIndex, Show, New, Create LabEdit/Update Actionform_for on EditStrong Params Basicsform_for LabRails GeneratorsCRU with form_for LabResource and Scaffold GeneratorRails Blog scaffoldTodo mvc assets and managing listsRails Forms OverviewActiveRecord ValidationsActiveRecord Validations LabValidations in Controller ActionsValidations In Controller Actions LabValidations with form_tagValidations with form_forDELETE Forms and RequestsTesting in RailsValidations with form_tagCRUD With Validations LabJoin the Fun railsActiverecord lifecycle readingDisplaying Associations RailsActive Record Associations ReviewForms And Basic Associations RailsForms And Basic Associations Rails LabBasic Nested FormsDisplaying Has Many Through RailsDisplaying Has Many Through Rails LabHas Many Through Forms RailsHas Many Through Forms Rails LabsHas Many Through in Forms Lab Review- OverviewDeep Dive into Nested Forms- OverviewLayouts And Templates in RailsRails Layouts And Templates LabSimple PartialsSimple Partials LabPartials with LocalsPartials with LocalsRefresher on MVCRefactoring Views With HelpersRefactoring Views With Helpers LabModel Class MethodsOptimal Queries using Active Record (lab)Routing And Nested ResourcesNested Resource Routing LabModifying Nested ResourcesModifying Nested Resources LabNamespaced RoutesNamespaced Routes LabTodomvc 2 lists have itemsTodoMVC 3: Mark Items CompleteTodomvc 4 refactoring with partials and helpersTodomvc 5 deleting itemsIntroduction to Authentication and AuthorizationRails Amusement Park labHow to Find Gems

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