CSS Quiz

CSS Quiz


  1. Explain how styles are applied to the DOM (i.e., what does "cascading" mean?)

  2. Describe how the different selectors look

  3. Explain selector specificity


CSS Quiz

?: CSS generally lives in external stylesheets that are referenced in the HTML.

(X) True ( ) False

?: CSS stands for...

( ) Cascading Style Selectors (X) Cascading Style Sheets ( ) Complementary Style Sheets

?: CSS rules can overwrite properties defined in other CSS rules.

(X) True ( ) False

?: Which of these selectors can not be used to make something underlined:

( ) .underlined ( ) #underlined (X) underlined

?: Multiple elements can use the same class name in your HTML document.

(X) True ( ) False

?: An element can only have one class at a time

( ) True (X) False

?: An element can have multiple ID's, separated by a space

( ) True (X) False

?: Which of the following CSS rules selects multiple selectors:

(X) header, main ( ) header && main ( ) header + main

?: Which of the following selectors is the most specific:

( ) header (X) #header ( ) .header.header-dark

?: You can use JS to select DOM nodes.

(X) True ( ) False

?: DOM nodes are selected using CSS selectors.

(X) True ( ) False


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