Object Relations

Association Methods in Javascript


  • Understand how to use associate objects with a store.

  • Understand how to use JavaScript methods to find associated objects.

Associating Objects

So far we have seen how to construct different types of objects in JavaScript with the class syntax.

  class User {
      this.name = name

  new User('bob')

Now let's say all of our users have many items they purchased. We can represent the items in the following way.

  class Item {
    constructor(name, price){
      this.name = name
      this.price = price

  new Item("red socks", 40)

If we have a user with multiple items, we would want a way to associate those items with that user. To do so, first determine how an item is associated with a user. There are two types of relationships for us to choose from:

  1. Many to Many - that is, an item has many users, and a user has many items

  2. HasMany and BelongsTo - that is, a user has many items and an item belongs to a user.

Because an item can only be associated with one user (we are assuming that each item can only be owned by one user), we say that an item belongsTo a user and a user has many items. This is very similar to our concept of associating data with sql. If you are unfamiliar with how to associate data in sql, you can check it out here.

So you could imagine representing the information in the following way:

  [{itemName: 'red socks', userName: 'Cindy'},
  {itemName: 'blue shirt', userName: 'Cindy'},
  {itemName: 'blue trousers', userName: 'Bob'},
  {itemName: 'black tshirt', userName: 'Bob'},


However, there is the potential that two users may have the same name, so name is probably not the best way to identify a particular user. Instead, we should probably associate them by giving each user an id, and each item an id.

  let store = {items: [
    {id: 1, price: 2, name: 'red socks', userId: 1},
    {id: 2, price: 7, name: 'blue shirt', userId: 1},
    {id: 3, price: 4, name: 'black tshirt', userId: 2}
  users: [
    {id: 1, name: 'Cindy'},
    {id: 2, name: 'Billy'},
    {id: 3, name: 'Bobby'}

Let's try to see what's going on in the data structure above. We assign a variable called store to a JavaScript object. The store object will represent all of the objects that are initialized, and we will use it to store these objects. The store object has two keys, each of which points to an array: one to represent the collection of items and one to represent the collection of users.

Let's see if we can answer some questions with our data structured like this. For example, if we want to see the name of the user that is associated with our first item, just take a look at the userId which is 1, and then go find the user with id 1, and see that the name is Cindy. We can also go find all of the items associated with Cindy. To do so, we see that its id is 1, and then find all of the items with a userId of 1: the first and second items.

So this is the structure we are aiming for. How do we hook this up to our classes?

Linking Instances to a Store

  1. Assign an id each time we make a new instance

We need to assign each item object an id, and that id should increment each time we make a new item. I bet if you close your eyes and rub your forehead with your index finger, you can think of the solution yourself.

  let itemId = 0
  class Item {
    constructor(price, name){
      this.id = ++itemId
      // increment itemId, then assign the itemId as the instance's id
      this.name = name
      this.price = price

  let item = new Item(24, 'trousers')
  // {id: 1, name: 'trousers', price: 24}
  let secondItem = new Item(8, 't-shirt')
  // {id: 2, name: 'tshirt', price: 8}

We set the itemId outside of the Item class so we can initialize the itemId to zero only one time, and then increment every time an item is initialized. Notice that we use ++itemId to increment the itemId and then assign it to the new item's id.++itemId is used instead of itemId++ because if you put the ++ before the variable name this will return the value after incrementing.

  1. Our second task is to insert these new objects to the store

let store = {items: []}
// initialize store with key of items that points to an empty array

let itemId = 0

class Item {
  constructor(price, name){
    this.id = ++itemId
    this.name = name
    this.price = price

    // insert in the item to the store

let item = new Item(24, 'trousers')
let secondItem = new Item(8, 't-shirt')

// {id: 1, name: 'trousers', price: 24}

Ok, let's do the same thing with users.

let store = {items: [], users: []}
// initialize store with key of items and users that each point to an empty array

let userId = 0

class User {
    this.id = ++userId
    this.name = name

    // insert in the user to the store

Finally, let's allow the ability to associate a user with an item.

let itemId = 0

class Item {
  constructor(price, name, user){
    this.id = ++itemId
    this.name = name
    this.price = price

    // insert in the item to the store
    this.userId = user.id

let bobby = new User("bobby")
let trousers = new Item(24, 'trousers', bobby)

// {users: [{id: 1, name: 'Bobby'}], items: [{id: 1, name: 'trousers', price: 24, userId: 1}]}

So from the code above, you can see that we can associate an item with a user either by passing through an item to a user upon initialization or by calling a the setUser setter method that we wrote.


In this lesson, we saw how we can use a plain javascript object to store and associate our data. We showed how we can assign each new instance an id by modifying our constructor method. We also saw that we can write setters or modify our constructor methods to provide an interface to associate two objects.


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